Man Oil & Marine is fully aware that, in addition to maintaining high quality standards and achieving business objectives, a wide and responsible strategy, aimed at reducing environmental, health and safety risks arising from its activities, is essential for its success and for the success of its Customers. The Ascoli Piceno Plant Management is convinced that the continuous improvement of its performance in terms of the environment and health and safety at work can produce significant benefits, while meeting, at the same time, the expectations of reducing health and safety risks and the expectations of environmental improvement relevant to the territorial context in which the Company is located.

The Ascoli Piceno plant of Man Oil & Marine has therefore implemented and maintained an integrated Management System for the environment and health and safety; it is therefore committed to operate in compliance with all the applicable laws and regulations and in accordance with the management standards ISO 45001 and ISO 14001. The Man Oil & Marine Ascoli Piceno Plant, optimising all the employed resources, acts with constant commitment in identifying and eliminating, or controlling, situations of risk, aimed at preventing accidents, injuries, occupational diseases and pollution linked to its activities, and aimed at continuously improving its performance in terms of the environment, health and safety. To achieve these goals, the Ascoli Piceno Plant

quality e policy

Organization is committed at:
  • Respect all applicable laws and regulations, in agreement with institutions, local authorities and trade associations. Specify roles, tasks and responsibilities and inform and raise awareness among its employees about the role played by each of them.

  • Manage communications in a transparent manner, regarding the environment and health and safety at work, both within the company (to all persons working under their control) and with external stakeholders, communicating the corporate commitment defined in this policy, and periodically informing about the results achieved.

  • Keep processes under control, in order to identify in advance any direct or indirect negative impact on the environment, and any potential risk to health and safety.
  • Develop and implement adequate training programmes and maintain a high level of staff training and participation.

  • Constantly adapt the Integrated System to the evolution of the Company. In the event of new activities or production processes, take appropriate initiatives to receive adequate information on possible environmental effects and risks to health and safety, which could occur..

  • Promote near miss reporting, with management of all potential issues deriving from dangerous places, dangerous procedures and dangerous behaviours to reduce the probability of accidents.

  • Adopt the best available techniques, where possible and economically sustainable, and manage its activities in such a way as to prevent accidents, reduce polluting emissions and the production of waste, giving priority to initiatives that preserve natural resources, minimising energy and water consumption.

  • Implement programmes and appropriate preventive and protective measures aimed at eliminating, minimising, controlling and monitoring significant environmental aspects and risks to health and safety.

  • Respond quickly and effectively to any emergencies and accidents that may arise during operations, taking action to minimize any damage or impact and collaborating with the relevant institutional bodies.

  • Periodically review this policy, and the integrated management system, so that it remains relevant and appropriate and the relevant objectives are understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization.

These objectives are pursued by the Ascoli Piceno plant by adopting an Integrated Environmental, Health and Safety Management System. This system is described in the Environmental and Safety Management Manual and is implemented through the application of procedures and other company documents referred in it. The Management of the Ascoli Piceno Plant of Man Oil & Marine issues this Policy and undertakes all efforts to ensure the human and technological resources necessary to achieve and maintain the highest standard. This Policy shall be applied by all Company Functions, at all levels, when performing all Company activities.

MODELLO 231 - Parte Generale
Protezione Dati Whistleblowing
Protezione Dati Whistleblowing

Whistleblowing reporting